Like so many of us, I was drowning in stuff, some self-inflicted, some inherited, all a big mess and too much for me to deal with. I didn’t know where to start or what do with it. Worse, it was a drag on everything in my life, from the time I wasted searching for something to the cost of buying duplicates when I couldn’t find it. Enter Amy Schoenfeld, my guardian angel, fairy godmother, and new best friend all rolled into one. Within a very short time of getting to know me, she understood what I wanted and needed and then set me on the path to making it happen. Her incredible energy, stamina, compassion, and humor helped me get through so many problem areas even on our first pass that my head was spinning. That table piled with papers so important they hadn’t been touched for three years? Sorted and obliterated down to one small file. Those special gifts from loved ones that make you wonder if they’ve even met you. Into the donate pile. Everything you’ve been saving “just in case”? On to someone who might really be able to use it, or into the recycling bag. Those were three of my major issues, and you’ll notice they’re all variations on the same theme. Sound familiar? Well, an unexpected but crucial element of Amy’s help turns out to be PERMISSION. Permission to let go and assurance I don’t need what I haven’t used — and she’s right, I haven’t missed it. Furthermore, she knows exactly where anything that is still useful will do the most good and whisks it away to its new role supporting someone else, leaving behind a clean, organized space that makes me feel like who I want to be. You don’t realize how tense you are around your own clutter until it’s not there any more and suddenly you can breathe more easily and enjoy what you have. Her tag line, “from clutter and chaos to calm and control” is so true. I cannot recommend Amy highly enough, but really her services feel more like a gift.